Thursday, February 7, 2013

Toki Tori: How good can a 49 cent game be?

I would be willing to bet that everyone who doesn't have Steam would have no idea what the hell Toki Tori was.  Heck, I have Steam and I had no idea what it was.  All I knew is that it kept popping up in my suggested games to buy during the last few Steam Sales.  After the 20th time seeing this, I decided to finally click on it to see what it was.

It turns out it was a puzzle platformer, and most importantly, it was 49 CENTS!  I immediately bought it, along with Heavy Weapon which was suggested with it (and also 49 cents!)  Then it sat, untouched for over a month (come to think of it, I haven't played Heavy Weapon, either). Today, I shall try to play it. 

When I first turned it on:


The screen was loud and the music was decidedly louder than just about anything I've ever heard.  I turned the volume down to 30% just to get it to a normal volume.  After the ringing in my ears stopped, I started the game.

As I said, Toki Tori is a puzzle platformer.  You play a chick (the animal, not a woman) that is collecting eggs and you cannot jump or fly.  However, you do get items such as bridges, or teleportation pads to help you overcome this handicap.  It looks very nice, both in the background, and the foreground.  As the game goes on the puzzles get harder and harder, and once you beat all of the easy puzzles in a land, you move on to the next environment.

Overall, 49 cents was an amazing price for this game.  I played over 40 minutes, I was never bored, and the time flew by.  One the main menu page, there was an advertisement for Toki Tori 2.  If I'm done with Toki Tori, and the sequel is any less than, say, five bucks, I'll definitely be buying.  So next Steam Sale, check it out!

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