So I go nearly two months without posting, and now, I come back with the sole purpose of answering this question.
The answer is, I don't know. I honestly never thought of juggling eggs as a thing to stereotype Gypsies with. However, I have heard that it's spell "I got Gypped." not "Jipped" so that's a discriminatory remark that I last made when I was, like, 8. So I'm sorry to any of my Gypsy friends if my words 23 years ago hurt you in any way. Also, I've read that the Romani people don't like to be referred to as I'm sorry to any of you who may be Romani and are offended too. Damn...this is getting to be a controversial blog entry.
So the's an arcade machine from 1978, where you juggle 1, 2, 3, or 4 eggs. The more eggs you juggle, the more points you get for every bounce. I say bounce because the game pretty much plays like breakout, if the paddle physics were reversed. If an egg hits the arm on the left side, the egg goes right and vice versa; if it hits your head, you get no points and it only goes up a little. The head is a good tool to slow things down later on in a round when things are getting hectic. That doesn't sound like a double entendre at all. If you drop an egg, it hatches and a chick walks off the side of the screen (I guess they didn't want to risk getting an M rating for breaking the eggs for real). So after about 10 minutes and half a dozen quarters, it gets kind of redundant. Not a bad 10 minutes, though!
Love this blog, by the way. Lurker/reader here. Good work.